Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Let's Speak Up

Again Peter denied it, and at that moment a rooster began to crow. (Jn 18:27)

I can so easily see myself doing just what Peter did. I may not have actually, verbally denied Christ, but I have often remained silent when several guys are standing around, joking and making statements that I know are contrary to God’s truth. Rather than risk alienation from the group, rather than being thought prudish, unsophisticated or foolish, I remain silent and give tacit consent to sin and falsehood.

Yet Peter didn’t stay like this, and what changed him? Pentecost! Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on them like fire and Peter preached to thousands. Now I know I have the Holy Spirit already because I am already saved. What I need is to be filled with the Spirit, not to quench the Spirit. Lord, I surrender to the control of your Spirit today. Fill me, take control of me, and make me bold for you as I yield control to you.

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