Sunday, June 12, 2011

Just Kill Me Now

I cannot carry all these people by myself; the burden is too heavy for me. If this is how you’re going to treat me, put me to death right now – if I have found favor in your eyes – and do not let me face my own ruin. (Num 11:14-15)

God called Moses to lead the people of Israel. It was a difficult job dealing with such an ungrateful, disobedient group of complainers. In this chapter they're at it again – complaining about the manna and asking for meat – and Moses was ready to quit. “Just kill me now,” he says. How many of us have thought or said the same thing? But whenever we start to think that way we make the same mistake Moses did. He thought he was all alone. Every burden was on his shoulders. But God never calls lone rangers to serve him. He calls his church. Moses forgot that we are to share our burdens. So God had him call together the seventy-two elders of Israel and made his Spirit fall on them so that they prophesied. That was the only time these men ever prophesied. Why? God wanted to show Moses that he had raised up these seventy-two men to help him. The prophetic office still belonged to Moses but these men stood near to help him in many other more mundane ways. When God calls pastors and other leaders he does not call them to serve alone. All of us are to come alongside them and help them, each according to our gift. Lord, never let me fall into the trap of thinking that I must serve alone. And when I am serving under someone, don't let me sit back and expect them carry the whole load. Teach me to do my part. Amen.

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