Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cry of the Poor

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered. (Pro 21:13)

Lord, I know that I don’t do nearly enough to help people in need. I live a cloistered life. All my family and friends and coworkers are well fed and have good homes. How often do I concern myself with those who are less fortunate – those who are barely making it, or those who have no jobs at all? Lord, could it be that my prayers are not answered because I have hardened by heart to the suffering around me? How can I be a man of God if I have no compassion for the poor? And how can I be compassionate if I fail to act? Lord, I will open my heart to the poor. I will begin to serve those in need. Forgive me for my self-absorption and remind me of the promise I make today. Amen.

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