Sunday, June 20, 2010

Unbowed and Unbroken

If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. (Lk 6:29)

There is a common concern today that this passage seems too “wimpy” to take literally. Many people look for ways to explain it away by appealing to various ancient customs. A friend was telling me just the other day about such a Sunday School lesson he had heard. But I think Jesus meant what he said, and I don’t think it is wimpy at all. There is tremendous strength and dignity in being able to take every blow of the enemy and stand tall, unafraid of the next blow. The same is true of enduring the hardship of an oppressor. By our strength and our refusal to retaliate we send a powerful message that we will not be broken, neither will we descend to the level of our adversary.  I think the man in v29 who turns the other cheek is a lot like the house in v48 that was built on the rock and withstood the onslaught of the flood. Jesus exhibited this kind of strength on Calvary. Let us emulate our Lord and do the same.

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