Sunday, December 12, 2010

In Wrath Remember Mercy

Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy. (Hab 3:2)

Habakkuk lived and prophesied in a time of great apostasy (1:3-4). God’s wrath was ready to be poured out on Judah via the Babylonian conquest and captivity (1:6). Habakkuk longed to see God once again perform great miracles, as he did long ago during the exodus. He was praying for mercy. He was praying for revival. We, too, live in a time of great apostasy. Western civilization is turning its back on its Christian heritage. Our nation forgets its roots. Whole denominations are abandoning Biblical truth. I read the New Testament and think of the miracles God did long ago. I, too, long to see them renewed in our day. I remember the revivals of earlier generations and pray for a revival of faith today. I, too, pray that God would remember mercy. Lord, let your Spirit again fall on your people, that we would be faithful witnesses to those around us. Let your light overcome the gathering darkness. I pray for the salvation of millions of people who today have only the vague cultural memory of faith in you.

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