Saturday, November 20, 2010

Called to Action

Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap. (Eccl 11:4)

Some of us are by nature cloud watchers. I see all the things that might go wrong in any venture and I am tempted not to start. I am the sort of person for whom the saying was written, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Some people by their personality are at risk of going off half-cocked. I am at risk of never pulling the trigger. What accounts for this? The one who goes off half-cocked sees only the prize and doesn’t count the cost. The one who never pulls the trigger sees only the problems and dangers. Both have erred. Jesus said to count the cost (Lk 14:25-33), but having done so we are still called to action. If I am not willing to risk all for his sake I reveal the limits of my faith and my love for him. Lord, I will follow you wherever you lead. Teach me to keep my focus on you and not the wind and the clouds. Amen.

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