Friday, November 26, 2010

Strong and Courageous

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Josh 1:9)

Moses has just died. God is commissioning Joshua as the new leader of Israel. They are about to enter the promised land at last. Three times in this passage God tells Joshua to be strong and courageous (v 6,7,9). Now Joshua was a stout-hearted man, but even he might have been nervous about stepping into Moses’ shoes and leading the conquest of Canaan. Joshua had great faith in God, but perhaps part of his faith had really been in Moses all these years. Moses was clearly anointed by God. No one had such a relationship with the Lord as he had. If Moses said, "God commands us to do X", you could be confident that was what God commanded. There is a certain comfort in being second in command, especially to one like Moses. Now Joshua had to step out on his own. But he was not actually alone. God is reassuring Joshua that he will be with him just as he was with Moses.

There comes a time when we each have to step up, take responsibility for what God is leading us to do, and not wait for someone else to show us the way. When God gives you a task, be strong and courageous! He will go before you, behind you and beside you. You are never alone when you are walking in his will. Be strong and courageous!

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